Fixed an issue on Logar AAS v1 & Logar Skirmish v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. turret was disabled and therefore stabilisation was disabled. Fixed a minor issue with team tickets going into negative value space under certain conditions on the match end scoreboard. Fixed a minor visual issue with some small visual holes in the mesh of the Middle East Urban Center static building. Fixed mesh and DF issues on the Tamarix tree and adjusted the Tamarix bark being extremely dark. In 2 . Fixed a client crash related to attempting to apply suppression effects due to an invalid projectile type, likely crashing most if not all clients on the server. Fixed a minor visual issue for helmets with the CAF Pilots helmet LOD being offset from the character, resulting in a floating helmet. Fixed floating foliage at various locations. !vote cancel - Cancels current round of voting. This was a semi-rare issue where a two-step teleport sometimes occurred, seemingly out of nowhere. Fixed an issue with a rock having collision problems at grid F4-7-4. Updated and replaced most particle VFX with improved visual fidelity and major performance optimizations. Added a Tessellation graphics toggle. It should be much easier to tell when getting hit by projectiles now when inside a vehicle. This will be addressed in a future update. Restriction zones are in place that prevent enemies from coming close to forward spawns, Weaponized emplacements are removed from the build menu. Kamdesh RAAS v6 new layout with 1 pre-captured flag. Players may want to try adjusting their Shadows and Ambient Occlusion Graphics settings for this update. Fixed a gameplay issue with single-use vehicle spawns not working as intended in certain circumstances and spawning vehicles when they should not. This will be addressed in a future update. The system is limited to only one player being able to stand on another at a time, to prevent giant towers of players The Squad teams focus here was to reward players who move and work together to overcome obstacles, encouraging and rewarding players who move in closer proximity and work as a squad rather than as individuals. If you encounter any map layers with this issue after this fix, we appreciate detailed player reports thru discord, forums, etc. Fixed an issue with the Castle POI walls culling too soon. !vote cancelauto - Cancel scheduled automatic start of vote. This was related to the v2.0 layer overhaul vehicle spawners vehicle type authorizations. Fixed a minor issue with the MEA BRDM2/MTLB UB32 rocket pod turret using the incorrect texture. MEA Protection zones no-deploy zone was reduced from 150m to 80m. Reduced the damage from 1248 down to 960 to be in line with other LAT weapons. These new effects should be more visible at distances and will linger with the wind for ~12 seconds. Reply Adjusted all Mutaha map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. !vote restart - Restarts voting with 6 random maps and modes. Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. Fixed a material LOD issue on the large garage at USA Main and the village houses. Squad Lanes makes sense as an invaluable tool in RAAS layers that follow lanes such as Yehorivka RAAS V1. Fixed a minor issue with a floating rock at grid D13-8-9. a UGL impact getting perceived the same as a Tandem rocket). Fixed a minor visual issue with the USA HAT MAAWS having a slight gap in the reticle. Updated the RUS/INS/MIL BRDM Spandrel to use a new firing sound. Improved the visibility of muzzle flashes. Updated the landscape terrain shader to a new and improved version. Fixed a gameplay issue with the ACOG Scope stadia line widths not corresponding to the soldiers shoulder widths at range. Updated Main Protection Zones projectile destruction logic to now always destroy projectiles, even if there is no owning player. Discussion Squad is again way too infantry-based, almost all AAS/RAAS layers lack light AT-vehicles Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 Adjusted the volume for the vehicle engine disabled explosion sound, which should now be decreased in volume/intensity. Added new landscape shader & landscape textures. Hawks RAAS Rework is an overhaul of the RAAS Gamemode, set out with express purpose of making Squad Lanes obsolete. Fallujah Fixed a few locations in sewers that still allowed. Those who know about it anticipate and destroy maps. Overall this change should discourage rushing flags by increasing the chances of encountering a full squad on the point, rather than a lone enemy on back-cap duty. Fixed a minor visual issue with a middle eastern clothesline static having visible LOD popping. RAAS v12. Textures do not become excessively blobby at lower settings. We also added a Shaders Graphics Settings section which currently will primarily affect the complexity of the Landscape allowing lower-end hardware more performance options. New layers: Yehorivka RAAS v6 (USA vs RU), Yehorivka RAAS v7 (GB vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v3 (CAF vs RU), CAF Yehorivka RAAS v4 (CAF vs RU). This has increased both the visual quality and performance cost of particles. All UGL / Frags now use a new light impact sound. This is intended to help mitigate visual anomalies from high altitudes, as well as reduce abuse of excessive helicopter spotting by exploiting LODs/landscape render issues at high altitudes. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. Fixed a player collision issue on the two warehouse wall pieces due to incorrect orientation resulting in incorrect scaling. Players could also use this as a corner-piece to connect with a larger network of defensive deployables like the HASCO walls, sandbags, HMG bunkers, etc. Adjusted the grass materials to better match the landscape. Added a BP tool that allows media creation by loading a weapon mesh with all the attachments associated BP_Weapons_Marketing, If you are experiencing issues, be sure to go to Settings ->, Squad welcomes the folks from down under to the fight. Ticket loss from losing the flag is still the same (-10 tickets). AAS v1. Fixed an issue with floating rocks and grass at the entrances to Tunnel POI. Containing extra details of each layer, such as: Factions, vehicles, tickets, commander status and much more. Added camouflage nets to many deployables: Pillbox sandbags, HMG bunkers, HASCO bunkers, Indirect Fire Shelters, HABs. Updated Mestia Skirmish v1 to now use Overcast Lighting. Vehicle Reset Feature does not currently work with Helicopters. . Improved Ambient Lighting: Converted the Skylight to work with HDRI skyboxes, and removed the old Ambient Cubemaps. Updated the way armor meshes react to damage traces from explosions. This addressed a number of visual bugs. Some layers will continue to receive tweaks and improvements in the future. Our design intent is to allow for camouflage and cautious movement to be effective, but without excessively inhibiting other players situational awareness once a firefight begins. Each factions deployables will have a different colour scheme depending on which biome the map belongs to: Forest, Desert, or Snow. Adjusted the North American biome street signs and cones to ignore collision with vehicles, to be consistent with all other biomes small street signs. More map layers will be upgraded with the HDRI sky spheres gradually in future updates. Skirmish v1. Fixed a minor issue with floating grass in the Tunnel. Updated the USA/GB/CAF M136 AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT damage value. Please dont hesitate to offer your feedback on this game mode (including the ones with experimental features)! Fixed an issue with see thru Rocks at grids C4-1-3 & G6-8-7. Updated the LandMine / IED explosions / Demo Charges to include new debris sounds for heavy and light vehicles and also modified the close-up explosion sound. Fixed floating rocks at grid G6-8-8, F8-8-9. This updated grass is currently found on Gorodok, Yehorivka, and Mestia. help us fix things faster, and we truly appreciate those that have filled out and sent in crash reports. Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Extremely Low Res Textures Some players may be experiencing very low-res textures after the v2.0 release. This change was done to account for the previously mentioned change to radial splash damage on vehicle gunner positions, as this kill zone radius would also damage gunner positions to that change. RAAS v11. The new map is set on the southern coastline of Finland. Optimization: Blur shader no longer costs performance when not in ADS. If you encounter this issue after this fix, we appreciate all player reports through discord, forums, etc. Fixed an issue with cliffs having a collision that is far off the actual terrain at grid G6-8-8. Fixed several issues with the peripheral vision ADS Blur for infantry weapons: Fixed ADS blur harsh cut transitions when toggling between ADS and hipfire. Fixed a gameplay issue on Anvil RAAS v1 and RAAS v2, the MEA Main Base was missing ammo crates. Fixed an issue with corn crops having dark leaves and dark artifacts in different LODs. Fixed an issue with the waterfall missing its VFX. Updated ragdoll motors to create a more realistic death with the pose being maintained. Adjusted all Gorodok map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Fixed the Scots Pine tree texture so it is less bright.,, All armor piercing projectiles use another set of piercing more destructive sounds. Initial Neutral flags have an additional 1.3x speed multiplier. Potential Fix for a client crash related to network messages when joining a squad. Added a new map layer: Logar Seed v1 created a new map layer for server seeding. While all layers benefit from lighting changes out of the box, transitioning to a new HDRI sky-spheres is a very time-consuming process. Fixed a minor issue with a shipping container that was blocking a doorway in grid G5-3-1. Adjusted the CAF Arid and Woodland team selection images to reflect the most up to date character and weapon models. Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. Fixed a common Server crash related to SQMapMarkerManager. Fixed a gameplay issue with vehicle spawns not respecting spawner allocation rules after their first spawn and then stealing spawners from other vehicles. RAAS is a corroborative exam of the American education system mixed with the lack of self responsibility, touched with a little bit of social media rage syndrome. This will be addressed in a future update. This map layer also uses an updated regular RAAS flag lattice instead of the RAAS Lanes for improved variability and less predictability. Fixed an issue with a floating Road grid J10-2-1. At higher quality, textures remain at full resolution further into the distance. Redesigned to be both as unpredictable as possible, while also maintaining the sanity of those who play, Hawks RAAS Rework is a hybrid between the olden days of Full Random, and the new-school Laned RAAS. Fixed a minor visual issue with the M240 Helicopter Door Guns muzzle flash not moving with the gun. Squad v2.15 will be released on Wednesday, April 13th at 19:00 UTC. Goose Bay Fixed various floating grass. Fallujah Fixed a detached wall segment at grid G5-3-2. TC v2. Tessellation itself has also been significantly optimized. These are 100 round box mags. This increases to 1.2x with 5 and 1.3x with 6, up to a maximum of 1.5x. Design Intention: This unique Insurgent deployable is intended to slow vehicles, cut off enemy routes, conceal travel routes, block sight lines, and create fear and chaos among the enemy. Updated Fireteam HUD notification icons to now match the colour associated with the relevant Fireteam (Note Fireteam colors are as follows: Fireteam A = Light Green, Fireteam B = Purple, Fireteam C = Cyan). Capture speed will be shortened if one team has significantly more players in the point, relative to the other team. All tank rounds are using the existing sounds that youve heard. This is intended to make deployable fortifications more resilient. With improved shadows and lighting also comes updates to the Graphics Settings Menu. Adjusted the protection zones on Tallil Skirmish v1 and v2 to be larger, to help mitigate issues with Main spawn camping. Fixed a minor issue with a small divot in the ground under a shed at grid D3-3-6, which looks like infantry should be able to crawl through, but actually cannot. Harju. Increased the turret health to match the INS T62. Updated flag capture rate scaling values. RAAS v08. Advantages retained with the M136 AT4 are its higher muzzle velocity and higher penetration value (420mm vs 320mm on M72A7). The effect has been significantly optimized at all quality levels, which has allowed us to force it on for visual consistency. 2 pre-captured flag, INS/MIL begins with 2 flags pre-captured and starts with an extra 40 tickets. Fixed a stone wall clipping into a corrugated metal fence around a western edge homestead. Applied subtle ADS peripheral vision blur to some remaining weapons which did not yet have it. Added a new road connection between the Bunker and Train Bridge OP. Fixed an issue with the crash reporter not running for server builds, therefore not reporting crashes or ensures. We have managed to make the new system up to ten times more efficient than the old Far Shadows system. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Adjusted the fountains to now have a deployable blocker to prevent exploitable radio placements. Reduced the hollow tube effect. Fixed a minor gameplay issue with a blocking volume for the sewer that was slightly blocking the street above. Adjusted MEA SL 01 pistol to have 2+1 mags, instead of 1+1 mags. Fallujah Fixed an issue with train cars in the north-west of Fallujah having several issues with their LODs, allowing players to see through parts of the assets. RAAS v12. Updated HABs, Sandbags, HASCOs and several other deployables to use biome-specific camouflage. Overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures. Potential Fix for the critical issue of players occasionally suddenly getting sent to the spawn menu screen when entering certain vehicle passenger seats (Passenger Seat Bug). Fixed a minor visual issue with a corner brick wall asset having a bad UV material. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. Please play Squad on a system that meets or exceeds our min spec. Complete overhaul of the technical and artistic approach to lighting. These fixes have all been communicated to Server Owners on the Offworld Industries Hosting Discord server. Fixed an issue with terrain clipping into a building at grid D3-3-6. Fixed an issue with a bad texture assignment on certain brick walls. This allows a 120s AAS flag to be captured in as little as 80s. GB FV510 IFV was particularly susceptible to this issue. Improved the micro terrain across the entire landscape. This is intended to restrict the fighting on seed layers to the central capture points and mitigate main base camping, while still allowing players to damage the enemies that they can see. Fixed a potential FOB deployment exploit on the 2nd floor inside the Warehouse. Squad v3.0 will be released on Wednesday, June 22nd at 18:00 UTC. Fixed a potentially exploitable issue with server fire projectile IDs. Adjusted the building in grid F8-4-9 to now have an open access point. The effect has been visually improved to eliminate most graphical artifacts and preserve visual detail in dark spaces. This feature is currently enabled on the following maps: Anvil, Gorodok, Manic-5, Mestia, and Yehorivka, greatly increasing the close-up detail of the Landscape. Updated the game mode legend descriptions and server browser tooltip text to be more rapidly digestible and easy to understand. We felt that this was necessary to offset the lighting and foliage changes, which can make spotting enemies more difficult. Fixed a large Geo hole where a pipe should be located at grid K4-4-7. Adjusted how Mesh Distance Fields work in the game engine, especially for subterranean spaces like tunnels. It is intended to be a more action-oriented type of gameplay focused on infantry fighting with less downtime and a focus on a smaller fighting area. Numerous fixes to improve Server performance, and the experience of running a Server for our Server Owner partners. While in AAS the flag layout is static and always the same for a map layer, in RAAS the flag layout is randomized and will be different every time you play. Increased the update rate of particles at all quality levels. No ticket gain from capturing flags (normally +60). Nestled in between the massive fjords of Western Norway, the tranquil village of Uskedalen and the island of Skorpo are seen as a key strategic battleground to gain control of the North Sea passages. Mention the demotion if you are no longer the FTL. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. The only vehicles which will still have damage from turret hits passed to their hull are those where the turret is an integral part of the hull (i.e. Fixed a minor UI issue with the MIL MTLBM 6MB vehicle info card entry, the icon was inconsistent with the map icon (it was using APC rather than IFV). As was noted earlier today we have discovered an exploit in Squad and while we believe we have it fixed in v2.12 there is a small chance that it might slightly delay the updates release. AAS v1. Fixed a minor issue with the RUS Kamaz 5350 Truck where infantry were unable to fire while prone in the truck bed. This issue is a high priority to fix and. RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. For example lets take Mutaha. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland and desert texture with maple leaves for the syrup lovers. This is intended to make using these deployables more effective for defence, as well as offsetting the impact of the new muzzle flashes. Adjusted the deployable TOW and Kornet to now have a more precise collision on thetripod to match the visual mesh. Offworld Industries has launched Squad Update v2.9, debuting some major changes to ammo racks to reduce one-hit kills, a few new map layers, and a boatload of other changes. Along with every map/layer, each contains: Team Information (Name and Total Tickets) Vehicle Information (Name, Quantity and Delays) Layer Information (Weather, Command and Total Capture Points) and more! Squads v2.12 Update has been in development for a considerable amount of time here at Offworld Industries and the entire development team is excited for you to get your hands on it and finally experience it in the live game! Another gameplay change to note is that soldier stamina will no longer regenerate while vaulting and climbing, with stamina regeneration paused during these activities. AAS . As always please provide your feedback after playing Squads v2.12 Update on our forums (Link URL). It is the third update of the year (not counting Hotfixes). One side of the camo netting appears semi-transparent up close, while the side facing the enemy is fully opaque. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. Adjusted river grass and cattail foliage to better match the rest of the autumn look. We will keep you informed if this happens. Adjusted the CAF C9A2 & MIL Minimi Classic rearm costs to 30 ammo points per boxmag, instead of 25. Fixed an issue with various buildings and foliage culling too quickly. This often happens when numerous players are spawning in at the same time This will be addressed in a future update. Updated Mutaha RAAS v1 to include new CPs and new routes. Added subtle Volumetric Fog to all maps, which reacts to light more realistically. Design Intention: This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. Now on RAAS map layers, all flags should stay visible for members of a team at all times after they were discovered by that team. RAAS v03. Adjusted and replaced some ambient sounds. Fixed exploitable cliffs near Russian Outpost POI. Fixed an exploit where players were able to manipulate their speed during games to gain an unfair advantage. Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. Updated Terrain shadows to now render out to 8km. Fixed a minor visual issue of characters backpacks getting awkwardly crunched down in 3p by adjusting soldier prone pitch up and pitch down 3p poses.